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Portland Beach Safety

and Restoration Alliance:

for the conservation, preservation
and safety of our foreshores

What We Do


Articulate the Issues

Safety: The sea wall constructed to halt erosion was not engineered and when impacted by the sea, creates a significant risk to human life.


Erosion: Over 200 metres of coastal foreshore have been lost from Dutton Way to the Convincing Grounds by erosion by since the 1950's.


Reclamation: Restoration of coastal beaches are the only permanent protection against erosion and makes the seawall redundant.


Raise Awareness

The science of coastal erosion and restoration is extremely advanced with projects completed successfully around the world.  


The design of coastal restoration projects using computer modelling based on current and historical data achieves highly targeted and effective outcomes.


It must be done now to make the rock wall safe, increase amenities in the area and protect the coast from climate change.


Work with Stakeholders

A successful beach restoration project requires a community approach with the commitment of all stakeholders to make it happen.

The Alliance will work with all stakeholders to develop an holistic management plan for the long-term benefit of Portland Bay.


We will restore Portland's world class beaches, increase safety, improve amenities and protect the coast from climate change.


Established by passionate locals concerned about the safety of the current sea rock wall installed to protect our shoreline from erosion caused by the construction in the 1950's of the K. S. Anderson Wharf.  


The erosion is reversible through beach reclamation (or beach nourishment) .

Historical shoreline and beach losses to erosion are clearly identifiable through current marine mapping research and historic photographs and these result must be acknowledged as the restoration benchmark.

We believe science is the key to Beach Reclamation: that no intervention  can occur before science is complete and models produced to guide design and predict....

This method will allow for an holistic 'design with nature' approach to restore the beaches of Portland Bay back into world class assets and protect the coast from climate change for the benefit of all.

Our Alliance also wishes to honour the traditional owners by protecting the Convincing Grounds, Victoria's first recorded indigenous massacre site, from climate change for generations to come

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