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We believe beach restoration to be  the most scientifically based, holistic and cost effective and proven solution to coastal  erosion and rising sea levels. 

The Five Steps

  1. Complete the research program in progress in Portland Bay.

  2. Develop a project plan adopting a design with nature approach.

  3. Install trial reef groynes and increase sand by-passing to fill them.

  4. Gain community confidence in the project.

  5. Standardise height to stabilise the current rock wall.

The Benefits of Beach Reclaimation

  • Protection against coastal erosion and rising sea levels

  • Improving beach safety

  • Protecting habitat for biodiversity

  • Protecting heritage listed and indigenous sites

  • Improving amenities

  • Increasing tourism

  • Improving access to fishing areas

  • Providing sediment for downstream beaches

  • Increasing land values

  • Removal of building restrictions

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